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Get Quotes



The following section provides information on the parameters that you need to send to get quotes and provides examples of a request, successful responses as well as error responses.


Query Parameters

    baseCurrency stringrequired

    The fiat currency in which the customer wants to make the payment for the crypto

    Example: USD
    baseAmount numberrequired

    The fiat amount the customer wants to spend to purchase crypto

    Example: 100
    quoteCurrency stringrequired

    The cryptocurrency the customers wants to purchase

    Example: BTC
    partnerId int64required

    Unique identifier of the crypto wallet partner

    Example: 12345
    userCountry string

    The country of the customer (ISO3166-1 alpha-3)

    Example: BGR
    paymentMethodType PaymentMethod

    Possible values: [CARD, BALANCE]

    The payment method the customer wants to use




    baseAmount number

    The fiat amount the customer wants to spend to purchase crypto

    baseCurrency string

    The fiat currency in which the customer wants to make the payment for the crypto

    quoteAmount number

    The crypto amount the customer will receive in his crypto wallet

    quoteCurrency string

    The crypto currency the customers wants to purchase

    baseCurrencyPrecision int32

    Number of decimal points for fiat amount

    quoteCurrencyPrecision int32

    Number of decimal points for quote amount

    baseToQuoteRate number

    How much does one unit in base currency cost in quote currency

    quoteToBaseRate number

    How much does one unit in quote currency cost in base currency

    currencyConversionRate number

    Price for converting from one fiat currency to another



    Contains fee types, amount and currencies for the payment

  • Array [

  • feeType string

    Possible values: [TRANSACTION, SHARED, FX, NETWORK]

    Fee type:

    • FX - Applies when user fiat currency is not EUR.
    • NETWORK - Goes to a blockchain network for transferring a digital asset on that network.
    • TRANSACTION - Fee charged by Paysafe for the Transaction.
    • SHARED - Charged on top of the Transaction and FX fee, shared with the Skrill Referral Partner
    amount number

    Fee amount

    currency string

    Fee currency

  • ]

  • totalSpend number

    Total amount spent without taxes

    totalSpendCurrency string

    Final total spend currency

    paymentMethod PaymentMethod (string)

    Possible values: [CARD, BALANCE]

    Payment method of the customer/quote.
