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These are the details of the paysafecard used for the transaction.

    consumerId stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 50 characters

    This is the merchant's unique identifier of the customer. For security purposes, if any personal data is used (for example, customer's user name, email address, etc.), it has to be encrypted or hashed.


    minAgeRestriction number

    payment can be restricted for a certain minimum consumer age (implicitly restricts payment to registered consumers only)

    kycLevelRestriction string

    payment can be restricted for a certain minimum kyc level (implicitly restricts payment to registered consumers only). Possible values are

    • FULL
    • SIMPLE.
    countryRestriction string

    This is the code of the country to which the transaction will be restricted. See Country Codes.

    Optional, length=2