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User Facing API


Paysafe Wallet SDK offers a lower TCO and TCD solution for providing wallet services to end users in partner applications. It is directly connected to User Facing Wallet APIs and does not require partners to host the wallet functionalities provided by the SDK in their backend systems.

User facing api overview diagramUser facing api overview diagram

The Paysafe Wallet SDK is provided for all popular front end technologies, like web and mobile (Android, iOS).


Paysafe Wallet SDK is available only for regular customers and can not be used to perform actions on wallets owned by legal entities and merchants.

To leverage the Paysafe Wallet SDK in your applications you need to properly configure and authenticate it, so it can access the customer wallet.

The configuration and authentication process is a two-step process implemented with the support of your backend and ensures secure access to the customer data.

  • Click here to learn more about the Paysafe Wallet SDK.
  • There is documentation for both Web and Mobile platforms.