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Instrument Verification Request

Request to start instrument verification session. Should contain the instrument type for which the verification is started and where the verification should be redirected based on the verification flow status.


  • instrumentType - Currently US_BANK_ACCOUNT instruments verification is supported.
  • returnUrl - MUST be provided, when starting verification session and should contain the location to where the customer must be redirected after completing the required actions in Paysafe hosted UI.


  • merchantRefNum - Merchant defined reference for the session. It allows the merchant to attach its own identifier to the session.

When the user completes the interaction with the Paysafe hosted UI, it will get redirected back to the returnUrl and the followint query parameters will be attached to the URL:

  • sessionId - the session identifier, that can be used to lookup the session.
  • sessionStatus - the status of the session
    instrumentType InstrumentType (string)required


    Instrument type.

    | Value | Description| |---|---| | SEPA_BANK_ACCOUNT| SEPA Bank account | | UK_BANK_ACCOUNT | UK Bank account | | US_BANK_ACCOUNT | US Bank account | | CCI_BANK_ACCOUNT | CCI Bank account | | CARD | Card |

    returnUrl urlrequired

    It is URL to which users must be redirected after competing the required activities in Paysafe hosted UI.