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Transfer status update request object.

    status PaymentStatus (string)required

    Possible values: [PENDING, PROCESSING]



    List of payment option specific properties required for processing of the payment.

  • Array [

  • key PaymentPropertyKey (string)

    Possible values: [CARD_CVV, CARD_SAVE_INSTRUMENT]

    Payment property key. Defines available payment property key and their meaning.

    Card payment properties:

    • CARD_CVV - Card CVV is required to confirm the card payment during deposit.
      • Valid value: 123
    • CARD_SAVE_INSTRUMENT - The user agrees to save the card for further payments.
      • Valid value: true
    value string
  • ]

  • scaDetails


    SCA authentication details, including information about the authentication process. It should be included in the request of any wallet operation that requires it due to PSD2 regulatory requirements.

    • Included in the request - operation has already undergone SCA authentication and is authorized to proceed. The SCA details connect the wallet operation to the SCA authentication event.

    • Not included in the request - operation either does not require SCA authentication or is being initiated for the first time, and the user's need for SCA is uncertain. If SCA is needed, the response will provide the SCA details for use in the subsequent execution of the wallet operation.

    eventId stringrequired

    A distinct identifier for the SCA authentication event.

    walletOperationId stringrequired

    A distinct identifier for the wallet operation. This identifier is used to associate the wallet operation with the SCA authentication event.