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Tokenize a prepaid card



Tokenize given card for specific mobile wallet.


Path Parameters

    cardId stringrequired

    UUID based Card id.


Request for card tokenization for a specific mobile wallet.

    walletType MobileWalletType (string)required

    Possible values: [GOOGLE_PAY, APPLE_PAY, SAMSUNG_PAY]

    Contains supported wallet types.

    clientDeviceId string

    Required for cards with VISA schema + Samsung/Google Pay. Not required for VISA + Apple Pay.

    clientWalletAccountId string

    Required for cards with VISA schema + Samsung/Google Pay.

    leafCertificate string

    The leaf certificate returned by the wallet provider, that was signed using subordinateCertificate. Should be converted to hexadecimal (case insensitive) binary data of the certificate. If the certificate is in PEM encoding, then it should follow the typical standards for PEM. In particular, the tags -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE----- should be present and the Base64-encoded value should have lines of length 64.

    subordinateCertificate string

    The subordinate certificate returned by the wallet provider that was signed using the Wallet Provider’s Certificate Authority (CA) certificate. Should be converted to hexadecimal (case insensitive) binary data of the certificate. If the certificate is in PEM encoding, then it should follow the typical standards for PEM. In particular, the tags -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE----- should be present and the Base64-encoded value should have lines of length 64.

    nonce string

    Hexadecimal (case insensitive) nonce value returned by the Apple Pay SDK

    nonceSignature string

    Hexadecimal (case insensitive) nonce signature value returned by the Apple Pay SDK.




    opaquePaymentCard string

    Opaque payment card - needs to be shared with Google Pay 'as is' and will be presented to TSP to receive a token.

    encryptedPassData string

    An encrypted info containing the sensitive information needed to add a card to Apple Pay.

    ephemeralPublicKey string

    The ephemeral public key used by elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) used with Apple Pay.

    activationData string

    This property contains the data provided to the payment network as a cryptographic one-time pad (OTP), per the Payment Network API specification.

    cardNetwork stringrequired


    tokenProvider stringrequired




    Customer information about specific card holder.

    address1 stringrequired

    Possible values: >= 4 characters and <= 40 characters

    address2 string

    Possible values: <= 30 characters

    address3 string

    Possible values: <= 30 characters

    city stringrequired

    Possible values: <= 30 characters

    Max 30 characters: letters, spaces, hyphen and period

    countryCode stringrequired

    Possible values: >= 2 characters and <= 2 characters

    Country code in ISO-3166 Alpha 2

    state string

    Possible values: <= 3 characters

    For US Customers: 2,3-character state or province abbreviation Example: "UT"

    postalCode stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 16 characters

    For EU customers: maximum length 16

    For US customers: Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-\ ]*$

    minimum 4, maximum 10

    name stringrequired
    mobile stringrequired

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^\+\d+\s?\d{1,16}$

    Mobile phone number used during card creation.

    cardLastDigits stringrequired

    Possible values: >= 4 characters and <= 4 characters

    Last four digits of the card.
