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Customer Data Verification Attempt Response

The result of the verification attempt for a specific customer attribute.

    verificationAttemptId stringrequired

    A unique identifier for the specific verification attempt associated with a particular verification process.

    verificationId stringrequired

    A unique identifier for the verification process associated with a particular customer attribute.




    The customer attribute being attached to the particular verification process.

    type Customer Data Verification Attribute Type (string)required

    Possible values: [EMAIL, MOBILE]

    The type of the customer attribute that will be verified through an additional secure mechanism, such as an OTP code sent via email.

    • EMAIL - The email address connected to the customer’s profile.
    • MOBILE - The phone number registered with the customer’s account.
    value stringrequired

    The value of the customer attribute that will be verified through an additional secure mechanism, such as an OTP code sent via email.




    The mechanism used to deliver the customer attribute verification information.

    method Customer Data Verification Notification Method (string)required

    Possible values: [OTP]

    The notification method used for verifying the customer attribute.

    • OTP - One-Time Password sent via email or SMS to the user's registered device.
    channel Customer Data Verification Notification Channel (string)

    Possible values: [EMAIL, SMS]

    The notification channel used to send the verification method to the user.

    • EMAIL - Verification method sent via email to the user's registered email address.
    • SMS - Verification method sent via SMS to the user's registered phone.
    currentAttempts integerrequired

    The number of current attempts made to verify a particular customer attribute.

    allowableAttempts integerrequired

    The maximum number of allowed attempts to verify a particular customer attribute.

    status Customer Data Verification Attempt Status (string)required

    Possible values: [VERIFIED, REJECTED, FAILED]

    The status of the verification attempt for a specific customer attribute.

    • VERIFIED - The customer verification process has been successfully completed, and the user's attribute has been verified.
    • REJECTED - The customer verification process has been rejected by the user.
    • FAILED - The customer verification process has failed. Please refer to statusReason for further information.
    statusReason string

    Possible values: <= 100 characters

    The reason for the failed verification attempt for a specific customer attribute.

    creationTime date-timerequired

    Represents creation RFC 3339, section 5.6 date-time.