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    partnerName stringrequired

    Partner's display name



    Source details - amount, currency, and payment method

    amount number

    Source amount used for buying crypto

    currency string

    Source currency used for buying crypto

    preferredPaymentMethod PaymentMethod (string)

    Possible values: [CARD, BALANCE]

    The payment method used by the customer

    allowWalletAddressChange boolean

    Allow the customer to enter a wallet address, different from the provided one/s



    A list of destination asset details - crypto currency, network, wallet address, wallet address tag

  • Array [

  • currency stringrequired

    The cryptocurrency the customers wants to purchase

    network stringrequired

    The network of the cryptocurrency

    walletAddress string

    A crypto wallet address to receive the crypto funds

    walletAddressTag string

    Tag, memo, or any additional identifier of the destination wallet address

  • ]

  • externalReferenceId string

    Partner's unique reference id for the purchase (transaction ID)

    webhookUrl string

    Partner's URL address on which webhooks will be received



    Return URLs provided by the partner

    success string

    Success URL, used to return the customer back to the partner after a successful transaction

    failure string

    Failure URL, used to return the customer back to the partner after a failed transaction

    default string

    Default URL, used if success and/or failure URLs are not provided

    countryId string

    The customer's country (ISO3166-1 alpha-3)

    language string

    Pre-select language for the customer. If not provided, the default language is English. Accepted values:

    • en - English
    • cs - Czech
    • es - Spanish
    • fr - French
    • it - Italian
    • el - Greek
    • pl - Polish
    • pt - Portuguese
    • de - German