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Get Standalone Credit Using Merchant Reference Number



Click on Send API Request after entering the required data, to see how to lookup a Standalone Credit using the merchant reference number used in the original request.


Query Parameters

    merchantRefNum stringrequired

    This is the merchant reference number created by the merchant and submitted as part of the Process Standalone Credit request.

    limit number

    Possible values: <= 50

    Default value: 10

    This is the total number of records to return.

    offset number

    Default value: 0

    This is the starting position, where 0 is the first record.

    startDate date

    This is the start date in UTC. Default = 30 days before the endDate.

    endDate date

    This is the end date in UTC. Default = current date and time.



Response Headers

  • Content-Type



    standalonecredits object[]



    Contains meta info for the pagination APIs

    numberOfRecords number

    This is the number of records returned in the lookup.

    limit number

    This is the number of records returned per page.

    page number

    This is the page of records on which the lookup starts.
