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    walletOperationId stringrequired

    A distinct identifier for the 3DS operation.




    Contains information about the mechanism used during the verification.

    method Auth3dsMethod (string)required

    Possible values: [BIOMETRIC]

    Authentication method.

    status Auth3dsStatus (string)required

    Possible values: [VERIFIED, REJECTED, FAILED]

    • VERIFIED - The 3DS authentication process has been successfully completed, and the given authorization attempt is permited.
    • REJECTED - The 3DS authentication process has been rejected by the user, preventing from the authorzation request to complete.
    • FAILED - The 3DS authentication process has failed, preventing the authorzation to complete. Please refer to statusReason for further information.
    statusReason string

    Possible values: <= 100 characters

    Reason for the unsuccessful 3DS authentication.