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Create deposit



Create deposit for the customer passed in the request path.

Deposits are created in PREVIEW state.

The following parameters are required:

  • currency - deposit currency
  • amount - deposit amount in currency minor units
  • paymentOption - deposit payment option must be one of the available payment options provided by GET /v2/customers/{customerId}/deposits/options
  • deviceInfo - should provide valid appType and profiling session id.

Optional parameters:

  • merchantRefNum - should be provided by the partner to match with objects in his backend system.
  • paymentInstrumentReference - provide reference to existing verified payment instrument provided by GET /v1/customers/{customerId}/instruments

Deposits in PREVIEW state do not create actual transaction in Paysafe Wallet system. It allows to check deposit parameters and display the fees.

To move the payment forward you must request status change using POST /v2/customers/{customerId}/deposits/{depositId}/status. This will perform the required validations and move the deposit in PENDING state. This will create a PENDING transaction that can be screened and executed.

"status": "PENDING"

To confirm the deposit for execution use POST /v2/deposits/{id}/status:

"status": "PROCESSING"


