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Token Exchange Token Request is a feature allowing a client to exchange one type of token for another with the authorization server, facilitating different types of access and delegation scenarios. This mechanism enables clients to obtain additional or more specialized tokens based on the presented tokens.





    It is used in token requests to specify the type of authorization grant being utilized. The acceptable values are:

    • client_credentials: client credentials grant type

    • refresh_token: refresh token grant type

    • urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange: token exchange grant type

    • password: resource owner password (or "password") grant type

    scope string

    The scope of the requested access token. Can be used to restrict the new access token to a subset of the scope allowed to the client and token type.

    subject_token stringrequired

    A security token that represents the identity of the party on behalf of whom the request is being made.

    scope string

    The scope of the requested access token. Can be used to restrict the new access token to a subset of the scope allowed to the client and token type.

    digital_fingerprint stringrequired

    Unique identifier assigned to individual users or devices, used to create their digital identity.