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Prepaid card tokenization event



This webhook will be sent when the card is tokenized by Google, Apple or a merchant website.


Header Parameters

    Signature string

    HMAC signature of the request

    Content-Type stringrequired

    Default value: application/json



    id uuidrequired

    Change identifier.

    cardId uuidrequired
    customerId stringrequired

    Possible values: <= 50 characters

    Wallet customer id.

    walletType TokenWalletType (string)

    Specifies the type of digital wallet used for storing and managing tokens.

    • APPLE - Apple Wallet.
    • GOOGLE - Google Pay Wallet.
    • MRCHTOKEN - Merchant-specific digital wallet.
    deviceMobileNumber string

    Telephone number of the device linked to the token(if applicable).

    deviceIp string

    IP address (full or last part only) of the device at time of binding / digitisation.

    deviceId string

    Unique ID of the secure element in the device linked to the token.

    deviceType TransactionDeviceType (string)

    Possible values: [POS, ATM, GPT]

    Specifies the method used for processing transactions.

    • POS - Point-of-Sale terminal.
    • ATM - Automated Teller Machine.
    • GPT - Gaming Payment Transaction.
    creatorStatus CreatorStatus (string)

    Possible values: [A, D, I, N, P, S, U, X]

    Status of the payment token as received from the payment token creator (normally Visa or Mastercard).

    • A = Active
    • D = Deleted (once in this status, it is normally never changed)
    • I = Inactive
    • N = Not Tokenised
    • P = Pending
    • S = Suspended
    • U = Unknown
    • X = Deactivated
    lang string

    The language configured on the device linked to the token (if available).

    activationMethod string

    Possible values: <= 1 characters

    Which activation method was used: 0 = none 1 = SMS to mobile phone 2 = email 3 = cardholder called an automated call centre; 4 = cardholder called a human call centre 5 = website 6 = mobile application 7 = voice phone call

    activationMethodData string
    eventTimestamp date-time

    Represents RFC 3339, section 5.6 date-time.

    enrollmentStatus TokenEnrollmentStatus (string)


    Represents the various statuses that can occur during the token enrollment process.

    • TOKENIZATION_INITIATED - The process of tokenization has been started but is not yet completed.
    • TOKENIZATION_FAILED - The tokenization process encountered a failure at some point.
    • TOKENIZATION_ENROLLMENT_UNSUCCESSFUL - Attempt to enroll the token was unsuccessful.
    • ENROLLMENT_SUCCESSFUL - The token enrollment process has successfully completed.
    • ACTIVATION_OTP_SENT - An OTP (One-Time Password) for activation has been sent.
    • DEACTIVATION - The token has been deactivated.
    • TOKEN_SUSPENDED - The token has been suspended temporarily.
    • TOKEN_RESUMED - A previously suspended token has been resumed.
    • TOKENIZATION_FAILED_MC - Tokenization failed due to a specific reason related to MasterCard (MC).
    paymentTokenType PaymentTokenType (string)

    Possible values: [C, CF, CL, P, SE, U, V, BW]

    Payment token type.

    • C - Contactless Device PAN
    • CF - Card on File PAN
    • CL - Cloud-base payments PAN
    • P - Real PAN (i.e. a normal ISO form factor card)
    • SE - Secure Element PAN
    • U - Unknown
    • V - Virtual PAN (i.e. virtual card)
    • BW - Browser-accessible wallet
    paymentTokenId string

    Payment token identifier for the MDES or VTS Card.

    eventId string

    Possible values: <= 50 characters


