Error Handling
Crypto On-Ramp API Errors
This section covers possible API error responses that may be received, their meaning as well as suggestions on how to resolve them.
The following errors can be returned:
HTTP Status Code | Error Code | Error Message | Description | Suggested resolution |
400 | 8001 | Invalid source currency | The source currency code is invalid, or your account does not support this currency. | Valid source (fiat) currency code is required. Supported currencies can be obtained from the Get Supported Crypto Assets endpoint. |
400 | 8004 | Invalid crypto address | The submitted crypto address is invalid. | Please ensure that the provided crypto address is correct and corresponds to the given crypto currency and network. |
400 | 8010 | Invalid URL | The submitted url is invalid. | Please ensure that the provided URL has the correct format. |
400 | 8012 | Limit is exceeded | The provided amount is exceeding the max limit. | Please ensure that the provided amount is within the permitted limits. For more information about active limits per country and payment method refer to the Get Supported Countries endpoint. |
400 | 8013 | Limit not met | The provided amount is less than the min limit. | Please ensure that the provided amount is within the permitted limits. For more information about active limits per country and payment method refer to the Get Supported Countries endpoint. |
400 | 8015 | Country not enabled | The customer's country is not enabled for crypto withdrawal. | Please ensure that the provided country is enabled at this time. Supported countries can be obtained from the Get Supported Countries endpoint. |
400 | 8021 | Fees are higher than the amount you are trying to spend | The fees are higher than the amount you are trying to spend. Please try again with a higher amount. | Please try again with a higher amount that is sufficient to cover the fees. |
400 | 8023 | Country not enabled | The customer's country is not enabled for the preferred payment method. | Please ensure that the provided country is enabled for the preferred payment method. Supported methods per country can be obtained from the Get Supported Countries endpoint. |
400 | 8030 | Unsupported network currency relation | The network and currency combination is not supported. | Please ensure that the provided network and currency combination is supported. Supported networks and currencies can be obtained from the Get Supported Crypto Assets endpoint |
400 | 8031 | Wallet address tag is not supported | The wallet address tag is not supported for this currency and network. | You have provided an address tag/memo for a network and currency pair that does not support such. |
400 | 8033 | Wallet address tag regex mismatch | The provided wallet address tag does not match the required regex pattern. | Please ensure that the wallet address tag is valid for the network and currency pair provided in the destination details. |
409 | 8034 | Provided external reference ID already exists for partner | The partner initiated a payment session with an external reference id that already exists. | Please ensure that the provided external reference id is unique for each payment session. |
400 | 8035 | Invalid destination currency | The destination currency code is invalid, or your account does not support this currency. | Please provide a valid destination currency code. Supported currencies can be obtained from the Get Supported Crypto Assets endpoint. |
400 | 8036 | Asset not allowed for country | The selected asset is not allowed for the customer's country. | The provided destination currency might not be allowed for the customer's country due to regulations. Non allowed countries by currency can be obtained from the Get Supported Crypto Assets endpoint. |
400 | 8039 | The selected payment method is not enabled | The payment method chosen is not supported. | Please ensure that the provided country is enabled for the preferred payment method. Supported methods per country can be obtained from the Get Supported Countries endpoint. |
400 | 8040 | Invalid amount | You submitted an invalid amount with your request. | Please ensure you are providing valid numerical value as source amount in the request. |
400 | 8042 | Invalid partner | Partner profile with the provided ID does not exist. | Please ensure you are providing valid and correct credentials with the request. |
503 | 8014 | Under maintenance | There is a planned maintenance taking place. | The service is currently under maintenance. Please try again later. |
500 | 1000 | Internal Error | An internal error occurred. | Please try again later or contact us if the problem persists. |
Additional error details are returned in error response body when possible. The error response body is in ErrorDetails object.
Here is an example of error response 400, containing further details.
"error": {
"code": "5068",
"message": "Field error(s)",
"details": [
"Either you submitted a request that is missing a mandatory field or the value of a field does not match the format expected."
"fieldErrors": [
"field": "network",
"error": "network must not be null"