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Released on

Add new Occupation enumeration to the common module.
Add new Vulnerability enumeration to the common module.
Add new UpdateAddressRequest model to the profile module.
Add new UpdateCustomerRequest model to the profile module.
Add new updateProfile method to the ProfileService.
Add new wallet-setup module.
Add new getWalletSetupService method to the Wallet class.
Add new WalletSetupService to the wallet-setup module.
Add new CustomerDataVerificationAttemptStatus enumeration to the wallet-setup module.
Add new CustomerDataVerificationAttributeType enumeration to the wallet-setup module.
Add new CustomerDataVerificationFlow enumeration to the wallet-setup module.
Add new CustomerDataVerificationNotificationChannel enumeration to the wallet-setup module.
Add new CustomerDataVerificationNotificationMethod enumeration to the wallet-setup module.
Add new CustomerCredentials model to the wallet-setup module.
Add new CustomerDataVerificationAttemptRequest model to the wallet-setup module.
Add new CustomerDataVerificationAttemptResponse model to the wallet-setup module.
Add new CustomerDataVerificationAttribute model to the wallet-setup module.
Add new CustomerDataVerificationNotificationType model to the wallet-setup module.
Add new CustomerDataVerificationRequest model to the wallet-setup module.
Add new CustomerDataVerificationResponse model to the wallet-setup module.
Add new CustomerIdentifier model to the wallet-setup module.
Add new CustomerIdentifiersOnboarding model to the wallet-setup module.
Add new CustomerPersonRequest model to the wallet-setup module.
Add new DataPreferences model to the common module.
Add new MarketingPreferences model to the common module.
Add new Preferences model to the common module.
Add new CustomerTransferReason enumeration to the common module.
Add new RequestTransferDetails model to the common module.
Add new CARD_REPLACEMENT_FEE value to the TransferReason enumeration.
Add new CARD_FEE value to the TransferReason enumeration.
Add new ATM_FEE value to the TransferReason enumeration.
Add new INACTIVITY_FEE value to the TransferReason enumeration.
Add new FX_FEE value to the TransferReason enumeration.
Add new DISPUTE_FEE value to the TransferReason enumeration.
Update the transferDetails field type of the CustomerTransferRequest model from TransferDetails to RequestTransferDetails | TransferDetails.
Add new STANDALONE_FEE value to the TransactionType enumeration.
Add new IncompleteAttribute model to the common module.
Add new INCOMPLETE_ONBOARDING_ATTRIBUTES value to the ProfileInclude enumeration.
Add new PREFERENCES value to the ProfileInclude enumeration.
Add new COMPLETE_ONBOARDING value to the RestrictionAction enumeration.
Add new INCOMING_TRANSACTIONS_AND_SEND_MONEY value to the RestrictionName enumeration.
Add new vulnerabilities field to the CustomerInfo model.
Add new incompleteAttributes field to the CustomerInfo model.
Add new preferences field to the CustomerInfo model.
Add new additionalAttributes field to the CustomerInfo model.
Add new userCategory field to the CustomerInfo model.
Internal improvements.
The TransferDetails type of the transferDetails field from the CustomerTransferRequest model is deprecated. Use RequestTransferDetails instead.
The LOGIN value of the RestrictionName enumeration is deprecated.


Released on

Add new RESET_PIN_CVV_RETRIES value to the CardAction enumeration.
Internal improvements.
Fix the include parameter propagation of the get method in the CardService.


Released on

Add new authorizationId field to the PrepaidCardInstrumentTransactionDetails model.
Add new PAYSAFECASH value to the PaymentOptionType enumeration.
Add new DECLINED value to the TransactionStatus enumeration.
Add new PaymentPropertyKey enumeration to the common module.
Add new SCA value to the DepositAction enumeration.
Update the key field type of the PaymentProperty model from string to string | PaymentPropertyKey.
Update the cardSchemes field type of the CardPaymentOptionSettings model from string[] to string[] | CardScheme[].
Update the action field type of the CustomerDeposit model from DepositAction to DepositAction | PaymentAction.
Add new paymentOptionSettings field to the WithdrawalOption model.
Add new fees field to the Withdrawal model.
Add new creationTime field to the PaymentInstrument model.
Add new cardScheme field to the CardPaymentInstrument model.
Update the accountType field type of the UsBankAccount model from string to string | AccountType.
Add new CardAction enumeration to the cards module.
Add new AVAILABLE_ACTIONS value to the CardIncludesParam enumeration.
Add new CardAvailableAction model to the cards module.
Add new availableActions field to the Card model.
Add new description field to the CardInstrumentTransactionDetails model.
Add new AttemptResetAction enumeration to the cards module.
Add new CardAttemptResetInfo model to the cards module.
Add new ResetCardVerificationAttemptsRequest model to the cards module.
Add new resetVerificationAttempts method to the CardService.
Add new REVERSED value to the TransactionStatus enumeration.
Add new scaDetails parameter to the getDetails method in the CardService.
Internal improvements.
The string type of the key field from the PaymentProperty model is deprecated. Use PaymentPropertyKey instead.
The string[] type of the cardSchemes field from the CardPaymentOptionSettings model is deprecated. Use CardScheme[] instead.
The DepositAction type of the action field from the CustomerDeposit model is deprecated. Use PaymentAction instead.
The DepositAction enumeration is deprecated. Use PaymentAction instead.
The fee field of the Withdrawal model is deprecated. Use fees instead.
The cvv field of the CardPaymentInstrument model is deprecated.


Released on

Add getViewPinUrl method to CardService
Internal improvements.


Released on

Add new ScaAuthenticationEventRequest model to the common module.
Add new ScaAuthenticationEventResponse model to the common module.
Add new scaDetails field to the TransferConfirm model.
Add new scaDetails field to the TransferProcessRequest model.
Add new scaDetails field to the WithdrawalConfirm model.
Add new scaDetails field to the Withdrawal model.
Add new action field to the Withdrawal model.
Add new scaDetails parameter to the getDetailsUrl method in CardService.
Add new scaDetails parameter to the update method in CardService.
Add new CCI_BANK_ACCOUNT value to the InstrumentTypeTransactionDetails enumeration.
Add new CCI_BANK_ACCOUNT value to the InstrumentType enumeration.
Add new CciBankAccount model to the payment-instruments module.
Add new PAGO_EFECTIVO value to the PaymentOptionType enumeration.
Add new PaysafecashLocationRequest model to the deposits module.
Add new PaysafecashLocation model to the deposits module.
Add new getPaysafecashLocations method to the DepositService.
Internal improvements.
Add full JSDoc description documentation.


Released on

Add new ApiEnvironment model to the wallet module.
Add new apiEnvironment field to the SdkConfiguration model.
Add new module authorization-history.
Add new AuthorizationHistoryService for managing authorization history related operations.
Add new models and enumerations to the authorization-history module.
Add new method getAuthorizationHistoryService to the Wallet class.
Add new instrumentId field to the PaymentInstrumentTransactionDetails model.
Add new ScaAuthenticationMode enumeration to common module.
Add new ScaAvailableVerification model to common module.
Add new ScaDetails model to common module.
Add new TransferAction enumeration to transfers module.
Add new fees field to the CustomerTransfer model.
Add new scaDetails field to the CustomerTransfer model.
Add new nextStatus field to the CustomerTransfer model.
Add new action field to the CustomerTransfer model.
Internal improvements.
Breaking Changes
Removed the brand field from the SdkConfiguration model.
Removed the baseURL field from the SdkConfiguration model.
Removed the fee field from the CustomerTransfer model.
Removed the fee field from the CustomerDeposit model.
Removed the instrumentId field from the Transaction model.
Removed the fee field from the Transaction model.
Removed the cardPaymentDetails field from the Transaction model.
Removed the instrumentType field from the Transaction model.
The nationality field of the CustomerInfo model is now optional.
The occupation field of the CustomerInfo model is now optional.


Released on

Add InstrumentTypeTransactionDetails enumeration to common module.
Add CardInstrumentTransactionDetails model to common module.
Add PaymentInstrumentTransactionDetails model to common module.
Add PrepaidCardInstrumentTransactionDetails model to common module.
Add SepaBankAccountTransactionDetails model to common module.
Add UkBankAccountTransactionDetails model to common module.
Add UsBankAccountTransactionDetails model to common module.
Add new field instrumentDetails to the Transaction model.
Add PaymentOptionSettings model to deposits module.
Add CardPaymentOptionSettings model to deposits module.
Add new field paymentOptionSettings to the PaymentOptionDetails model.
Add new field fees to the CustomerDeposit model.
Add new field description to the CardPaymentInstrument model.
Internal improvements.
Deprecated the cardPaymentDetails field of the Transaction model. Use instrumentDetails instead.
Deprecated the fee field of the CustomerDeposit model. Use fees instead.


Released on

Add activate method to the CardService for activating a prepaid physical card.
Add CardActivationRequest model.
Add new type APPLICATION_FEE to the TransactionType enumeration.
Add new type SET_UP_FEE to the TransactionType enumeration.
Add new type MONTHLY_MAINTENANCE_FEE to the TransactionType enumeration.
Add new field status to the TransactionHistoryParameters model.
Add new field type to the TransactionHistoryParameters model.
Add new field cardId to the TransactionHistoryParameters model.
Internal improvements.


Released on

Add DepositService for managing deposit related operations.
Add deposit related models.
Add CurrencyExchangeService for managing currency exchange related operations.
Add currency exchange related models.
Internal error handling is improved.
Breaking Changes
The timestamp number property of FxRate is replaced by creationTime string property.
The expiration number property of FxRate is replaced by expirationTime string property.


Released on

Add Occupation field to CustomerInfo model.
Updated deposit, withdrawal and transfer models to match the API.