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Add new ApiEnvironment model to the wallet module.
Add new apiEnvironment field to the SdkConfiguration model.
Add new module authorization-history.
Add new AuthorizationHistoryService for managing authorization history related operations.
Add new models and enumerations to the authorization-history module.
Add new method getAuthorizationHistoryService to the Wallet class.
Add new instrumentId field to the PaymentInstrumentTransactionDetails model.
Add new ScaAuthenticationMode enumeration to common module.
Add new ScaAvailableVerification model to common module.
Add new ScaDetails model to common module.
Add new TransferAction enumeration to transfers module.
Add new fees field to the CustomerTransfer model.
Add new scaDetails field to the CustomerTransfer model.
Add new nextStatus field to the CustomerTransfer model.
Add new action field to the CustomerTransfer model.
Internal improvements.
Breaking Changes
Removed the brand field from the SdkConfiguration model.
Removed the baseURL field from the SdkConfiguration model.
Removed the fee field from the CustomerTransfer model.
Removed the fee field from the CustomerDeposit model.
Removed the instrumentId field from the Transaction model.
Removed the fee field from the Transaction model.
Removed the cardPaymentDetails field from the Transaction model.
Removed the instrumentType field from the Transaction model.
The nationality field of the CustomerInfo model is now optional.
The occupation field of the CustomerInfo model is now optional.


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Add InstrumentTypeTransactionDetails enumeration to common module.
Add CardInstrumentTransactionDetails model to common module.
Add PaymentInstrumentTransactionDetails model to common module.
Add PrepaidCardInstrumentTransactionDetails model to common module.
Add SepaBankAccountTransactionDetails model to common module.
Add UkBankAccountTransactionDetails model to common module.
Add UsBankAccountTransactionDetails model to common module.
Add new field instrumentDetails to the Transaction model.
Add PaymentOptionSettings model to deposits module.
Add CardPaymentOptionSettings model to deposits module.
Add new field paymentOptionSettings to the PaymentOptionDetails model.
Add new field fees to the CustomerDeposit model.
Add new field description to the CardPaymentInstrument model.
Internal improvements.
Deprecated the cardPaymentDetails field of the Transaction model. Use instrumentDetails instead.
Deprecated the fee field of the CustomerDeposit model. Use fees instead.


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Add activate method to the CardService for activating a prepaid physical card.
Add CardActivationRequest model.
Add new type APPLICATION_FEE to the TransactionType enumeration.
Add new type SET_UP_FEE to the TransactionType enumeration.
Add new type MONTHLY_MAINTENANCE_FEE to the TransactionType enumeration.
Add new field status to the TransactionHistoryParameters model.
Add new field type to the TransactionHistoryParameters model.
Add new field cardId to the TransactionHistoryParameters model.
Internal improvements.


Released on

Add DepositService for managing deposit related operations.
Add deposit related models.
Add CurrencyExchangeService for managing currency exchange related operations.
Add currency exchange related models.
Internal error handling is improved.
Breaking Changes
The timestamp number property of FxRate is replaced by creationTime string property.
The expiration number property of FxRate is replaced by expirationTime string property.


Released on

Add Occupation field to CustomerInfo model.
Updated deposit, withdrawal and transfer models to match the API.