Add new Occupation enumeration to the common module. |
Add new Vulnerability enumeration to the common module. |
Add new UpdateAddressRequest model to the profile module. |
Add new UpdateCustomerRequest model to the profile module. |
Add new updateProfile method to the ProfileService . |
Add new wallet-setup module. |
Add new getWalletSetupService method to the Wallet class. |
Add new WalletSetupService to the wallet-setup module. |
Add new CustomerDataVerificationAttemptStatus enumeration to the wallet-setup module. |
Add new CustomerDataVerificationAttributeType enumeration to the wallet-setup module. |
Add new CustomerDataVerificationFlow enumeration to the wallet-setup module. |
Add new CustomerDataVerificationNotificationChannel enumeration to the wallet-setup module. |
Add new CustomerDataVerificationNotificationMethod enumeration to the wallet-setup module. |
Add new CustomerCredentials model to the wallet-setup module. |
Add new CustomerDataVerificationAttemptRequest model to the wallet-setup module. |
Add new CustomerDataVerificationAttemptResponse model to the wallet-setup module. |
Add new CustomerDataVerificationAttribute model to the wallet-setup module. |
Add new CustomerDataVerificationNotificationType model to the wallet-setup module. |
Add new CustomerDataVerificationRequest model to the wallet-setup module. |
Add new CustomerDataVerificationResponse model to the wallet-setup module. |
Add new CustomerIdentifier model to the wallet-setup module. |
Add new CustomerIdentifiersOnboarding model to the wallet-setup module. |
Add new CustomerPersonRequest model to the wallet-setup module. |
Add new DataPreferences model to the common module. |
Add new MarketingPreferences model to the common module. |
Add new Preferences model to the common module. |
Add new CustomerTransferReason enumeration to the common module. |
Add new RequestTransferDetails model to the common module. |
Add new CARD_REPLACEMENT_FEE value to the TransferReason enumeration. |
Add new CARD_FEE value to the TransferReason enumeration. |
Add new ATM_FEE value to the TransferReason enumeration. |
Add new INACTIVITY_FEE value to the TransferReason enumeration. |
Add new FX_FEE value to the TransferReason enumeration. |
Add new DISPUTE_FEE value to the TransferReason enumeration. |
Update the transferDetails field type of the CustomerTransferRequest model from TransferDetails to RequestTransferDetails | TransferDetails . |
Add new STANDALONE_FEE value to the TransactionType enumeration. |
Add new IncompleteAttribute model to the common module. |
Add new INCOMPLETE_ONBOARDING_ATTRIBUTES value to the ProfileInclude enumeration. |
Add new PREFERENCES value to the ProfileInclude enumeration. |
Add new COMPLETE_ONBOARDING value to the RestrictionAction enumeration. |
Add new INCOMING_TRANSACTIONS_AND_SEND_MONEY value to the RestrictionName enumeration. |
Add new vulnerabilities field to the CustomerInfo model. |
Add new incompleteAttributes field to the CustomerInfo model. |
Add new preferences field to the CustomerInfo model. |
Add new additionalAttributes field to the CustomerInfo model. |
Add new userCategory field to the CustomerInfo model. |