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Verify 3Ds authentication status



The endpoint will update the status of the 3D Secure authentication, and based on the provided status, the authorization request will be either VERIFIED or REJECTED.


Path Parameters

    customerId stringrequired

    Unique identifier of the customer.

    cardId stringrequired

    UUID based Card id.

    auth3dsId stringrequired

    Authentication 3DS id.


Information about the status of the 3DS authentication and the method used for it.

    walletOperationId stringrequired

    A distinct identifier for the 3DS operation.




    Contains information about the mechanism used during the verification.

    method Auth3dsMethod (string)required

    Possible values: [BIOMETRIC]

    Authentication method.

    status Auth3dsStatus (string)required

    Possible values: [VERIFIED, REJECTED, FAILED]

    • VERIFIED - The 3DS authentication process has been successfully completed, and the given authorization attempt is permited.
    • REJECTED - The 3DS authentication process has been rejected by the user, preventing from the authorzation request to complete.
    • FAILED - The 3DS authentication process has failed, preventing the authorzation to complete. Please refer to statusReason for further information.
    statusReason string

    Possible values: <= 100 characters

    Reason for the unsuccessful 3DS authentication.




    walletOperationId stringrequired

    A distinct identifier for the 3DS operation.




    Contains information about the mechanism used during the verification.

    method Auth3dsMethod (string)required

    Possible values: [BIOMETRIC]

    Authentication method.

    status Auth3dsStatus (string)required

    Possible values: [VERIFIED, REJECTED, FAILED]

    • VERIFIED - The 3DS authentication process has been successfully completed, and the given authorization attempt is permited.
    • REJECTED - The 3DS authentication process has been rejected by the user, preventing from the authorzation request to complete.
    • FAILED - The 3DS authentication process has failed, preventing the authorzation to complete. Please refer to statusReason for further information.
    statusReason string

    Possible values: <= 100 characters

    Reason for the unsuccessful 3DS authentication.

    customerId stringrequired

    Unique identifier of the customer.

    cardId stringrequired

    UUID based Card id.

    auth3dsId stringrequired

    Authentication 3DS id.

    creationTime date-timerequired

    Represents creation RFC 3339, section 5.6 date-time.
