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Withdrawal module exposes features for managing withdrawals.

Withdrawal Service

The WithdrawalService can be used for managing withdrawals related operations.

Get Withdrawal Options

Use getOptions to retrieve WithdrawalOption[]. The withdrawal options are all the available withdrawal options for the user.

Payment options refer to the methods of transferring funds(e.g., CARD, BANK_TRANSFER), while instrument types pertain to the specific financial tools or mechanisms used in these transactions ( e.g., SEPA_BANK_ACCOUNT, CARD).

import { Wallet } from '@paysafe/paysafe-wallet-saas-web/wallet';

.then(response => console.log('Withdrawal options', response))
.catch(error => console.error('Error getting withdrawal options', error));

Preview withdrawal

Use preview method to create a withdrawal for the current customer. Withdrawals are created in a PREVIEW state. The operation allows to check withdrawal parameters and display the fees.

import { Wallet } from '@paysafe/paysafe-wallet-saas-web/wallet';
import { WithdrawalRequest } from '@paysafe/paysafe-wallet-saas-web/withdrawals';
import { PaymentInstrumentReference } from '@paysafe/paysafe-wallet-saas-web/payment-instruments';
import { InstrumentType } from '@paysafe/paysafe-wallet-saas-web/common';

const withdrawalRequest: WithdrawalRequest = {
amount: 1000,
currencyCode: 'USD',
paymentOption: PaymentOption.BANK_TRANSFER,
paymentInstrumentReference: {
instrumentType: InstrumentType.US_BANK_ACCOUNT,
id: '1234567890'

.then(response => console.log('Create withdrawal preview', response))
.catch(error => console.error('Error create withdrawal preview', error));

Create Withdrawal

Use create method to perform the required validations and move the withdrawal in PENDING state. Pass the id from the Withdrawal object returned by the preview method.

import { Wallet } from '@paysafe/paysafe-wallet-saas-web/wallet';
import { WithdrawalCreate } from '@paysafe/paysafe-wallet-saas-web/withdrawals';

const requestBody: WithdrawalCreate = {
id: '1234567890'

.then(response => console.log('Create withdrawal', response))
.catch(error => console.error('Error create withdrawal', error));

Confirm Withdrawal

Use confirm method to confirm the withdrawal. Pass the id from the Withdrawal object returned by the create method.

import { Wallet } from '@paysafe/paysafe-wallet-saas-web/wallet';
import { WithdrawalConfirm } from '@paysafe/paysafe-wallet-saas-web/withdrawals';

const requestBody: WithdrawalConfirm = {
id: '1234567890'

.then(response => console.log('Confirm withdrawal', response))
.catch(error => console.error('Error confirm withdrawal', error));

Get Withdrawals

Use getAll method to retrieve a list of withdrawals by passing the GetWithdrawalsParameters. If no parameters are passed, it will return the last 10 withdrawals by default.

import { Wallet } from '@paysafe/paysafe-wallet-saas-web/wallet';
import { WithdrawalParameters } from '@paysafe/paysafe-wallet-saas-web/withdrawals';

const getWithdrawalsParameters: GetWithdrawalsParameters = {
offset: 10,
limit: 10,
merchantRefNum: '1234567890',
slipId: '1234567890',

.then(response => console.log('Get all withdrawal', response))
.catch(error => console.error('Error get all withdrawal', error));

Get Withdrawal

Use get to retrieve withdrawal by id.

import { Wallet } from '@paysafe/paysafe-wallet-saas-web/wallet';

const withdrawalId = '1234567890';

.then(response => console.log('Get withdrawal', response))
.catch(error => console.error('Error get withdrawal', error));