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Versioning and Deprecation Policy


Our REST APIs incorporate version information directly into the URL, facilitating easy tracking and identification of updates (e.g. Each version change signifies modifications requiring adjustments in existing integrations, ensuring partners are aware of potential compatibility issues.

Managing Changes

We carefully introduce new methods, parameters, error codes, webhooks and values to enhance functionality without disrupting existing integrations.

Support and Deprecation Policies

The following deprecation policies is implemented:

  • Two Major Versions - Concurrent support for two major versions most of the time, allowing users flexibility in upgrading while ensuring support for older versions.
  • Frequent Major Versions - If more major versions are released within a short period, support may extend to more than two major versions to provide predictability for partners.

Status Categories

REST APIs and client SDKs can have one of the following statuses (based only on the MAJOR version):

  • Active - The most current and fully supported version, recommended for all clients. It receives new features, security updates, and bug fixes.

  • Inactive - Becomes inactive after a deprecation date, with support provided for one year thereafter to allow partners to upgrade. It receives only security updates and bug fixes.

  • Unsupported - A retired version no longer supported by us.