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Card Deposits

The card deposit service enables users to add funds to their account using either a new card or an existing card.

To initiate a deposit with an existing card, first use the preview method to create a deposit with a valid paymentInstrumentReference. Then, call the start method with the depositId obtained from the preview response. To initiate a deposit with a new card, call the preview method with null/nil for the paymentInstrumentReference property.


In order to integrate the card deposit native flow a parameter scope pci-dss-1 is required when issuing SDK JWT token. More information about PCI DSS can be found here.

Use the following code to obtain an instance of CardDepositService:

val cardDeposits = Wallet.getInstance().getCardDepositService()

Preview Card Deposit

Use preview method to create a card deposit for the current customer. Card Deposits are created in PREVIEW state. Card Deposits in PREVIEW state do not create an actual transaction in Paysafe Wallet system. It allows to check deposit parameters and display any present fees.


ParameterData typeDescriptionExample
amountIntRequired parameter for amount of deposit in minor units.100
currencyCodeStringRequired parameter for currency of the deposit. Format ISO 4217."USD"
paymentInstrumentReferencePaymentInstrumentReferenceOptional parameter, reference to existing verified payment instrument.PaymentInstrumentReference(...)
merchantRefNumStringOptional parameter for merchant reference number."2b01127a-4929-4d0e-b9cb-a29a8d1c499c"


ParameterData typeDescriptionExample
idStringRequired parameter for payment instrument reference of the deposit."123"
instrumentTypeInstrumentTypeRequired parameter for payment instrument type of the deposit.InstrumentType.CARD/.card


Enum class representing different types of payment instruments.

CARD.cardPayment card.
SEPA_BANK_ACCOUNT.sepaBankAccountSEPA bank account.
UK_BANK_ACCOUNT.ukBankAccountUK bank account.
US_BANK_ACCOUNT.usBankAccountUS bank account.
UNKNOWN.unknownReturned when no valid value was found.
val cardDepositRequest = CardDepositRequest(
amount = 100,
currencyCode = "USD",
paymentInstrumentReference = PaymentInstrumentReference(
id = "123",
instrumentType = InstrumentType.CARD
merchantRefNum = "2b01127a-4929-4d0e-b9cb-a29a8d1c499c"

try {
val cardDepositPreview = cardDeposits.preview(cardDepositRequest)
Log.d(TAG, cardDepositPreview.toString())
} catch (exception: Exception) {
Log.d(TAG, exception.toString())

Start Card Deposit

Use start method to start a screen for result for the native card deposit flow. After the card deposit flow has finished, a result of type CardDepositResult is returned to the client application. Note that the status of the deposit may not be processed immediately. To check the status use Get Single Deposit.

When the flow is initiated, users must fill in the required fields. After submitting the card details, they may be required to complete a 3DS challenge.

To customize the appearance see UI Theme Configuration for Android and UI Appearance configuration for iOS.


Status of the card deposit flow.

Completed.completedThe card deposit flow has been completed. This result does not inherently mean that the deposit has been successful.
TerminalFailure(val cardDepositError: CardDepositError).terminalFailure(Error)Terminal failure of the deposit. When this error is received the deposit has failed and can't be retried.
NonTerminalFailure(val cardDepositError: CardDepositError).nonTerminalFailure(Error)Non terminal failure of the deposit. When this error is received the deposit can be retried as long as it hasn't expired.
Cancelled.cancelledThe card deposit flow has been cancelled.


ParameterData typeDescriptionExample
codeCardDepositResultCodeRequired parameter representing the code of the DepositError.INTERNAL_ERROR
messageStringOptional parameter representing the message of the DepositError.Some message

Enum class representing card deposit failure codes.

FAILED_TO_LOAD_ACCEPTED_CARDSFailure to load accepted cards.
INTERNAL_ERRORThere has been an internal error.
NETWORK_ERRORThere has been a network error.

In Android there are two ways to open a screen by using startActivityForResult method or registerForActivityResult:

// Start the card deposit screen for result
val depositId = "123"
cardDepositService.start(this@MainActivity, 100, depositId)

// Then, obtain the card deposit result in onActivityResult
override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
if (requestCode == 100 && data != null) {
val result = IntentCompat.getParcelableExtra(data, "EXTRA_CARD_DEPOSIT_RESULT",
when (result) {
CardDepositResult.Cancelled -> handleCancelled()
is CardDepositResult.TerminalFailure -> handleTerminalFailure()
is CardDepositResult.NonTerminalFailure -> handleNonTerminalFailure()
CardDepositResult.Completed -> handleCompleted()
else -> handleOtherResult()

// Alternatively, the registerForActivityResult API can be used
val launcher = registerForActivityResult(OpenStartCardDeposit()) { result ->
when (result) {
CardDepositResult.Cancelled -> handleCancelled()
is CardDepositResult.TerminalFailure -> handleTerminalFailure()
is CardDepositResult.NonTerminalFailure -> handleNonTerminalFailure()
CardDepositResult.Completed -> handleCompleted()
else -> handleOtherResult()