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Data extracted from the document via OCR.

    firstName string

    First name as it appears on the provided document.

    lastName string

    Last name as it appears on the provided document.

    dob string

    Date of birth in the format YYYY-MM-DD as available on the provided document.

    addressLine string

    Address line as it appears on the provided document.

    country string

    Country as it appears on the provided document. Should appear in ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code format.

    city string

    City as it appears on the provided document.

    postalCode string

    Postal code as it appears on the provided document.

    issuingCountry string

    Country as it appears on the provided document. Should appear in ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code format.

    issueDate string

    Issue date in the format YYYY-MM-DD as available on the provided document.

    documentExpiry string

    Expiry date in the format YYYY-MM-DD as available on the provided document.

    subdivision string

    Subdivision as it appears on the provided document. (Region, State, Province, Emirate, Department, …)

    faceMatch boolean

    Indicated whether the customer has a face verification matching the document picture.