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    Card details to be used for the transaction

    cardNum stringrequired

    Possible values: >= 8 characters and <= 20 characters

    This is the card number used for the request.



    This is the card's expiry date.

    month numberrequired

    Possible values: <= 12

    This is the card expiry month.

    year numberrequired

    Possible values: <= 9999

    This is the card expiry year.

    cvv string

    Possible values: >= 3 characters and <= 4 characters, Value must match regular expression ^([0-9]{3,4})$

    This is the 3- or 4-digit security code that appears on the card following the card number.

    holderName string

    Possible values: <= 50 characters

    This is the name of the card holder.

    cardType string

    Possible values: [AM, DI, JC, MC, MD, SO, VI, VD, VE]

    This is type of card used for the request.

    • AM – American Express

    • DI – Discover

    • JC – JCB

    • MC – Mastercard

    • MD – Maestro

    • SO – Solo

    • VI – Visa

    • VD – Visa Debit

    • VE – Visa Electron

    lastDigits string

    These are the last four digits of the card used for the request.

    nickName string

    This is the nickname the merchant has for the card holder.

    cardBin string

    Possible values: <= 6 characters

    These are the first 6 digits of the card Bank Identification Number (BIN), for example: the first 6 digits of the card number.