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    merchantRefNum stringrequired

    Possible values: <= 255 characters

    This is the merchant reference number created by the merchant and submitted as part of the request. It must be unique for each request.

    amount number

    Possible values: <= 99999999999

    This is the amount of the request, in minor units. For example, to process US $10.99, this value should be 1099.

    dupCheck boolean

    Default value: true

    This validates that this request is not a duplicate. A request is considered a duplicate if the merchantRefNum has already been used in a previous request within the past 90 days.

    Note: This value defaults to true.



  • Array [

  • linkedAccount stringrequired

    This is the ID of the linked account. This account must already be linked to the merchant account.

    amount number

    This is the amount to transfer to the linked account in minor currency units. The total amount to all linked accounts cannot exceed the transaction total.

    percent number

    This is the percentage of the total transaction amount to transfer to that account. The total percentage to all linked accounts cannot exceed 100%.

  • ]