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This is the read-only raw response returned by an acquirer. It is returned only if your account is configured accordingly.

    id string

    This is the response id returned by the processor

    processor string

    This is the processor code of the transaction at Paysafe side

    code string

    This is acquirer identification code, such as DJN, CRX, etc.

    responseCode string

    This is the raw response returned by the acquirer.

    avsCode string

    This is the raw AVS code returned by the acquirer.

    avsResponse string


    This is the AVS response returned from the card issuer.

    balanceResponse string

    This is the balance remaining on a gift card, if a gift card was used for the original transaction.

    mid string

    This is the acquirer MID that was sent to the clearing house.

    terminalId string

    This is the merchant's terminal ID.

    batchNumber string

    This is the batch number.

    seqNumber string

    This is the merchant's sequence number.

    effectiveDate string

    This is the date of the bank deposit associated with the transaction.

    financingType string

    This is the type of financing offered.

    plan string

    This is the plan number for this financing transaction.

    gracePeriod string

    This is the grace period, in months, associated with deferred payment transactions.

    term string

    This is the number of payments, in months, for equal payment transactions.

    responseId string

    This is the response ID assigned by Credorax.

    requestId string

    This is the request ID assigned by Paysafe.

    description string

    This is a description of the response.

    authCode string

    This is the authorization code.

    txnDateTime string

    This is the transaction date and time.

    referenceNbr string

    This is the Bank net transaction ID/Merch Tran Ref

    responseReasonCode string

    This is the raw response reason code returned by Credorax.

    cvvVerification string


    This is the response to the cvv submitted with the transaction request.

    cvv2Result string

    This is the raw cvv2 result code.

    status string

    This is the status of the transaction at the processor side.

    orderId string

    Unique NETELLER reference for the order.



    This is customer's profile details.

    id string

    The customer's profile id in the system. If this is present rest all other fields are not required.

    status string

    The status of customer in the system, returned in the response.

    merchantCustomerId string

    Possible values: <= 10 characters

    This is the reference number for the customer created by the merchant and submitted as part of the request. It must be unique for each customer.

    Note: This value is mandatory when fundingTransaction is used.

    locale stringrequired

    Possible values: [en_US, fr_CA, en_GB, en_CA]

    This indicates the customer's locale preference.

    Note: Optional for GiroPay, Vippreferred-Direct-Registration. Not required for Paysafe Card Payouts.

    firstName stringrequired

    Possible values: <= 80 characters

    This is the customer’s first name.

    lastName stringrequired

    Possible values: <= 80 characters

    This is the customer’s last name.

    email stringrequired

    Possible values: <= 255 characters

    This is the customer's email address.

    phone string

    Possible values: <= 40 characters

    This is the customer's phone number.

    Note: Optional for GiroPay. Not required for Paysafe Card Payouts.



    This is the recipient's date of birth.

    day numberrequired

    Possible values: <= 31

    This is the day of birth.

    month numberrequired

    Possible values: <= 12

    This is the month of birth.

    year numberrequired

    Possible values: >= 1900

    This is the year of birth.

    mobile string

    Possible values: <= 40 characters

    Customer's mobile number.

    gender string

    Possible values: [M, F]

    This field indicates the Customer's gender.

    M - Male

    F - Female

    nationality string

    Possible values: <= 30 characters

    This field indicates the Customer's nationality.



  • Array [

  • identityDocuments



    This is array of 2 JSON objects.

    • 1st object contains SSN

    • 2nd object contains Identity document details.

  • Array [

  • anyOf

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [SOCIAL_SECURITY]

    Default value: SOCIAL_SECURITY

    Value will always be "SOCIAL_SECURITY" This is part of 1st JSON object.

    documentNumber stringrequired

    Possible values: <= 9 characters

    The customer’s social security number.

  • ]

  • ]