These are the user account details from the merchant website.
This is the number of Add Card attempts in the last 24 hours.
This is the date that the cardholder’s account with the 3DS Requestor was last changed. The ISO 8601 date format is expected, i.e., YYYY-MM-DD.
This is the length of time between the most recent change to the cardholder’s account information and the API call of the current transaction.
Possible values: [DURING_TRANSACTION
This is the date when the cardholder opened the account with the 3DS Requestor. The ISO 8601 date format is expected, i.e., YYYY-MM-DD.
This is the length of time between the cardholder opening the account with the 3DS Requestor and the API call of the current transaction.
Possible values: [NO_ACCOUNT
This is the date when the cardholder’s account was reset or the password was changed. The ISO 8601 date format is expected, i.e., YYYY-MM-DD.
This is the length of time between the most recent password change or cardholder account reset and the API call of the current transaction.
Possible values: [NO_CHANGE
This indicates whether the 3DS Requestor has experienced suspicious activity, including previous fraud, on the cardholder account.
This is the total number of purchases from this cardholder account in the previous six months.
Possible values: <= 9999
This is the number of transactions (successful and abandoned) for this cardholder account with the 3DS Requestor across all payment accounts in the previous 24 hours.
Possible values: <= 999
This is the number of transactions (successful and abandoned) for this cardholder account with the 3DS Requestor across all payment accounts in the previous year.
Possible values: <= 999
shippingDetailsUsage object
This is the shipping usage information.
This indicates whether the cardholder name on the account is identical to the shipping name used for this transaction.
This is the date when the shipping address for this transaction was first used with the 3DS Requestor. The ISO 8601 date format is expected, i.e., YYYY-MM-DD.
userLogin object
This is the cardholder login information.
This is the mechanism used by the cardholder to authenticate to the 3DS Requestor.
Possible values: [NO_LOGIN
This field is reserved for future iterations of 3D Secure 2.
Possible values: <= 2048 characters
Some up to 2048 bytes undefined data
This is the date and time of the cardholder authentication. The ISO 8601 date format is expected, i.e., YYYY-MM-DD-THH:MM:SSZ.
paymentAccountDetails object
These are the details of the current payment account of the cardholder.
This indicates the length of time that the payment account was enrolled in the cardholder’s account with the 3DS Requestor.
Possible values: [NO_ACCOUNT
This is the date that the cardholder opened the account with the 3DS Requestor. The ISO 8601 date format is expected, i.e., YYYY-MM-DD.e.
priorThreeDSAuthentication object
This is the previous authentication information used with current merchant, cardholder, and card.
This is the previous authentication ID for the cardholder.
Note: For recurring payments, this is the authenticationId of the first authentication.
Possible values: <= 36 characters
This field is reserved for future iterations of 3D Secure 2.
Some up to 2048 bytes undefined data
This is the mechanism used previously by the cardholder to authenticate to the 3DS Requestor.
This is the date and time of the cardholder authentication. The ISO 8601 date format is expected, i.e., YYYY-MM-DD-THH:MM:SSZ.
travelDetails object
These are the Amex-specific travel details.
This indicates whether the transaction is an air travel related purchase, e.g., a ticket purchase
This is the selected airline carrier.
Possible values: <= 256 characters
This is the date of departure in the time zone of the departure location. The ISO 8601 date format is expected, i.e., YYYY-MM-DD.
This is the airport code of the destination airport.
Possible values: <= 5 characters
This is the airport code of the originating airport.
Possible values: <= 5 characters
This is the first name of the cardholder from the billing details.
Possible values: <= 99 characters
This is the last name of the cardholder from the billing details.
Possible values: <= 99 characters
"addCardAttemptsForLastDay": 0,
"changedDate": "2024-07-29",
"changedRange": "DURING_TRANSACTION",
"createdDate": "2024-07-29",
"createdRange": "NO_ACCOUNT",
"passwordChangedDate": "2024-07-29",
"passwordChangedRange": "NO_CHANGE",
"suspiciousAccountActivity": true,
"totalPurchasesSixMonthCount": 0,
"transactionCountForPreviousDay": 0,
"transactionCountForPreviousYear": 0,
"shippingDetailsUsage": {
"cardHolderNameMatch": true,
"initialUsageDate": "2024-07-29",
"initialUsageRange": "CURRENT_TRANSACTION"
"userLogin": {
"authenticationMethod": "NO_LOGIN",
"data": "Some up to 2048 bytes undefined data",
"time": "2024-07-29T15:51:28.071Z"
"paymentAccountDetails": {
"createdRange": "NO_ACCOUNT",
"createdDate": "2024-07-29"
"priorThreeDSAuthentication": {
"id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
"data": "Some up to 2048 bytes undefined data",
"time": "2024-07-29T15:51:28.071Z"
"travelDetails": {
"isAirTravel": false,
"airlineCarrier": "string",
"departureDate": "2024-07-29",
"destination": "string",
"origin": "string",
"passengerFirstName": "string",
"passengerLastName": "string"