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Embedded wallet details for the operation.

    customerId stringrequired

    Possible values: <= 50 characters

    The customer wallet id.

    fee integer

    The fee to be applied on this transaction.

    feeSettlementCurrency string

    Possible values: <= 3 characters

    This is the currency for fee settlement into the merchant account, e.g., USD or CAD, returned in the request response. See Currency Codes.

    Note: If not specified the fee will be settled using the payment currency.

    feeWalletId string

    Id of the merchant wallet where merchant fee is collected.

    slipId string

    Possible values: <= 50 characters

    Wallet slip id. The wallet slip is a collection of all transactions associated with specic wallet operation (deposit, withdrawal or transfer).



    The customer wallet account id. If this is not provided, a wallet account id is automatically created in the processing currency. If provided, and processing currency specified is different than the wallet account currency, then an error is returned.

    In the case of Standalone Credits, this field is mandatory. If there is insufficient funds in the specified account, then an error is returned for Standalone Credit.

    id string

    Possible values: <= 50 characters

    The wallet account id

    verifiedInstrument booleandeprecated

    It specifies if the instrument (card, sepa, fasterPayments etc) has been previously verfied.

    The default value for this is false. If this is specified as false, Paysafe will verify the instrument and rejects the transaction, if the verification fails. This is applicable only for STANDALONE_CREDIT.



    Embedded wallet risk related parameters.

    customerRiskRating number

    risk rating for the customer at time of transaction or wallet creation

    isScaPerformed boolean
    isCustomerIPTrusted boolean
    isBeneficiaryTrusted boolean