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As part of a successful user deposit, withdrawal, or transfer it is possible to transfer part of the funds to the specific merchant account and collect fees.

The fee are transfered only if the main transaction is successful.

There are three options to determine the recipient merchant account:

  • fee payment is received in the merchant account in the same currency as the main transaction. In that situation, the recipientCurrency and merchantAccountId must be skipped.

    The merchant needs to have an account in the same currency as the main transaction.

  • fee payment is received by the merchant in the desired currency defined in recipientCurrency parameter. This is useful if merchants need to receive the payment in a specific currency and avoid funds segmentation. If needed currency conversion is applied using the official Skrill FX rates.

  • fee payment is received by the merchant in the desired merchant account defined in merchantAccountId parameter. This can be used if the merchant has multiple accounts in the same currency and recipientCurrency can not be used to determine the desired recipient account.

    amount int64required

    Default value: 0

    Amount of the merchant payment, in mintor units. If currency is not specified, then the main transaction currency is used.

    currency Currency (string)

    Possible values: >= 3 characters and <= 3 characters

    Currency alphabetic code as specified by ISO 4217

    paymentReason FeePaymentReason (string)required


    Default value: OTHER_FEE

    Fee payment reason.

    • SENDER_FEE - Fee that will be applied to sender party of transfer collected into partner merchant wallet.
    • RECIPIENT_FEE - Fee that will be applied to recipient client of transfer collected into partner merchant wallet.
    • DEPOSIT_FEE - Fee charged for deposit transactions collected into partner merchant wallet.
    • WITHDRAWAL_FEE - Fee charged for withdrawal transactions collected into partner merchant wallet.
    • MERCHANT_FEE - Fee for the payment service collected into partner merchant wallet.
    • PAYSAFE_FEE - Fee collected by Paysafe for the provided payment service. Usually Paysafe Fee is not directly applied to customer transactions.
    • ATM_FEE - Fee for ATM service, when using prepaid cards.
    • FX_FEE - Fee applied, when payment requires currency exchange.
    • OTHER_FEE - It could be used for any additional, unspecified fees that may be applied to a transaction
    merchantId string

    The target merchant wallet id.

    recipientCurrency Currency (string)

    Possible values: >= 3 characters and <= 3 characters

    Currency alphabetic code as specified by ISO 4217

    merchantAccountId string

    The target account in which the payment is accepted. If not specified the account is determined by the main transaction currency.