(In Development)
FX Conversion rate token, that contains the FX rate suggested by Paysafe used for currency conversion. This token is obtained using the FX Rate API.
Each token is valid for certain amount of time and allows merchant to preview the exchange operation to his customers and lock the exchange rate for limited time.
Possible values: >= 3 characters
and <= 3 characters
Currency alphabetic code as specified by ISO 4217
Possible values: >= 3 characters
and <= 3 characters
Currency alphabetic code as specified by ISO 4217
Wallet customer Id for the FX rate sender.
Wallet customer id of the recipient. Pass this for quotes during Peer to Peer transfer. Defaults to sender if not passed.
Represents RFC 3339, section 5.6 date-time.
Represents RFC 3339, section 5.6 date-time.
FX exchange rate between source and target currency.