Payment Status
The payment status:
- Payment preview.PENDING
- Payment transaction is created and further action is required by the customer.PROCESSING
- Payment is scheduled for processing by the payment provider.COMPLETED
- Payment is completed. Note that some transactions might be completed from Embedded Wallet point of view, but not from customer point of view, since money movement might take some time outside of the Embedded Wallet network.FAILED
- Payment has failed. Check STATUS_REASON property for details.CANCELLED
- Payment have been cancelledREFUNDED
- Payment has been refunded. Valid only for deposits.SCHEDULED
- Payment is scheduled funds are blocked, but some action is required. Check action response object property for detailsACCEPTED
- Payment has been accepted by the recipient and will be automatically processed.
stringPayment Status (string)
The payment status:
- Payment preview.PENDING
- Payment transaction is created and further action is required by the customer.PROCESSING
- Payment is scheduled for processing by the payment provider.COMPLETED
- Payment is completed. Note that some transactions might be completed from Embedded Wallet point of view, but not from customer point of view, since money movement might take some time outside of the Embedded Wallet network.FAILED
- Payment has failed. Check STATUS_REASON property for details.CANCELLED
- Payment have been cancelledREFUNDED
- Payment has been refunded. Valid only for deposits.SCHEDULED
- Payment is scheduled funds are blocked, but some action is required. Check action response object property for detailsACCEPTED
- Payment has been accepted by the recipient and will be automatically processed.
Possible values: [PREVIEW
Payment Status